Friday, April 22, 2016

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.

The Numbers: I weighed in this morning at 413.6 LBS.  That is 1.0 lb. down from last week, and 17.8 lbs.lost overall.

Thoughts: Kind of disappointing in light of all the exercise I did this week, but it could be lots of reasons.  There's always the old "building muscle mass" excuse, or there's the fact that I exercised a lot for three days, and then yesterday was kind of relaxed, so my body started storing.  Honestly, I blame the 1 1/2 bagels I ate yesterday.  I also ate later at night, and then went to bed.

But in the end, there is less of me this week than there was last week so I can't complain.  Onward.

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