Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What's so bad about fruit?

Monday's Treats:

- Six slices of summer sausage, two slices of cheddar cheese, two hard-boiled eggs.
- Smoked almonds, orange
Two hamburger patties, five pieces of bacon, four pieces of cheddar cheese

I like to eat fruit.  Bananas, oranges, apricots, peaches, pears, etc.  In trying to eat mostly a ketogenic diet, those fruits aren't allowed, only berries.  I like berries, but I like other fruit as well.  I get it.  Most fruits have carbs and sugar.  It's natural sugar, but your body treats it the same.  Still, it really hard to look at a piece of fruit and say, "That's not good for me." The earth provided this for me to eat and enjoy.  I know. I know.  Pesticides, mass production, GMO, and all that.  Regardless,I plan to keep eating fruit.  Not to excess, maybe I won't eat it every day, but I'll still eat it.  If it is technically counted as a cheat, so be it.  For now, anyway.

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